Simple tea recipes

Thursday 03 May 2018


As I promised last week here are some very simple recipes for herb/fruit teas that have great benefits. I hope that you try some and enjoy the results knowing that they are doing you good.I have chosen these particular ones as they seem to cover all eventualities and possible support for side effects that you may experience.

Cinnamon swirl. Best for a mid afternoon boost.
You will need; ½ cinnamon stick, ½ mug of Water, 1 green tea bag, ½ orange juiced.

Crush the cinnamon into a pan with the water and the Tea bag. Bring to the boil and leave infuse for 5 minutes. Add the orange juice and reheat but do not let it boil. Strain into a mug.

Health benefits:A Swedish trial found cinnamon could help balance blood sugar levels which often dip mid-afternoon and we tend to crave sweet foods to give us a boost. Try the tea instead. It will boost energy and also the immune system because of the vitamin C content from the orange juice.

Sweet Ginger.
Best for a fresh start.
You will need; 1” of fresh root ginger peeled and grated, 1 hibiscus tea bag, Squeeze of lemon juice.
Put the ginger and tea bag into a teapot. Fill with boiling water sufficient for 1 mug. Brew for 5 minutes then pour into a mug and add lemon juice.

Health benefits: Clinical trials have shown that ginger can prevent nausea and aid digestion. The hibiscus tea bag is rich in vitamin C which will support immune health.

Spicy sip

Best for: immunity.
You will need; 1 echinacea tea bag, 1 rooibos tea bag, 2 cloves, manuka honey to taste.
Put the tea bags into a tea pot and add enough hot water for a mug full. Allow to infuse for 5 mins then pour add honey to taste and sip.

Health benefits; all of the ingredients have been shown to boost immunity. When you buy Manuka honey make sure that the initials UMF are on the jar to indicate it is genuine. (Unique manuka factor).

Chamomile Calmer.

Best for: bedtime
You will need; 1 chamomile tea bag, 1 valerian tea bag, stevia or agave syrup to taste.
Simply put tea bags in a mug add boiling water allow to infuse then sweeten to taste.

Health benefits: Valerian is a herb that is reported to help people get off to sleep and improves sleep quality. Chamomile is known to help induce calmness and sleep. Stevia is calorie free and has a low glycaemic index so will not disrupt blood sugar and therefore sleep.

Peppermint pleaser.

Best for soothing the digestive system.

You will need; 1 tsp of caraway seeds, 1 peppermint tea bag, manuka honey to taste.

Lightly crush the seeds and put in a teapot with the teabag, pour over boiling water enough for 1 mug and infuse for 5 mins. Strain into a mug and sweeten with honey to taste.

Health Benefits: Peppermint calms the stomach and increases the flow of bile. Bile helps with the digestion of fats. Caraway is the traditional remedy for over indulgence and to support poor digestion.

A very short and direct blog this week but nonetheless it could be very beneficial to some.


A book you may find  interesting if you want to know more about  tea is Cancer Hates Tea  by Maria Uspenski Paperback – 25 Oct 2016

Blog originally written by Caroline August 2014 Updated by Robyn   April 2018

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