Small steps....

Friday 17 April 2020

I often talk or write about talking things a step at a time, breaking things down in to manageable chunks  and giving yourself small tasks when you are feeling overwhelmed  to help you to find your way forwards.

Yesterday a poem popped up on my Facebook feed which  said it more beautifully than I have ever managed.

 I know many of you are struggling  with uncertainty and also losses  at the moment so I have copied it below for you to read too  I hope you find it helpful.   You may have  suggestions of your  own and  you are of course welcome to get in touch either  here or privately if you prefer if you want to talk things over. 

My Grandma once gave me a hint:

In hard times, you move forward in small steps

Do what you have to do, but little by little.

Don't  think about the future or what can happen tomorrow. 

Wash the dishes

Remove the dust

Write a letter.

Make some soup.

Do you see? you are moving forward step by step.  

Take a step and stop.

Get some rest

Praise yourself

Take another step

Then another one.

 You won't notice, but your steps will grow more and more.

 And the time will come when you will be able to think of the future  without crying 

Elena Mikhalkova " The old key Room"

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