When overwhelmed: Be open to change

Tuesday 31 March 2020

This is the second mini blog on ways of managing when you are feeling overwhelmed, from Lesley Howells, lead Psychologist at Maggie's

Be open to change

Rather than be fearful be open to possibility and emotional growth than change can bring. At a pace you can cope with, and with the support of your colleagues, try to ‘move’ and adapt to these changing times rather than desperately hold on to a fixed view of yourself, your skills or how things should be. Now is the chance to try out new ways of being you. The values that underpin you as a person will stay the same, but you now have the chance to be compassionate, generous, kind and helpful in different but still fulfilling ways.

A poem that many of our centre visitors find really useful, fits for all of us. 

Read it, then read again, and allow it to sink in......

Come to the Edge (by Christopher Logue, The Poetry Pharmacy)

Come to the edge.

We might fall.

Come to the edge.

It’s too high!


And they came,

And he pushed,

And they flew.

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