Gwaith ar Ganolfan Maggie's newydd ar gyfer Gogledd Cymru ar fin dechrau

Tuesday 09 July 2024

Mae'n bleser gan Maggie's, Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr a Sefydliad Steve Morgan gyhoeddi bod gwaith ar fin dechrau ar adeiladu canolfan cymorth canser Maggie's yng Ngogledd Cymru.

Bydd staff arbenigol y ganolfan, a leolir ar diroedd Ysbyty Glan Clwyd ym Modelwyddan, Sir Ddinbych, yn rhoi cymorth i bobl sy'n byw gyda chanser, yn ogystal â theuluoedd a ffrindiau, ardraws y rhanbarth cyfan - gan gynnwys Bangor a Wrecsam.

Mae wedi cael ei chynllunio, ei chomisiynu a'i hariannu gan Sefydliad Steve Morgan a disgwylir iddi agor yn 2025.

Mae Canolfan Canser GIG Gogledd Cymru yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd yn gweld rhyw 5,000 o bobl sy'n derbyn diagnosis canser newydd bob blwyddyn.

Dywedodd y Fonesig Laura Lee, Prif Weithredwr ym Maggie's: "Rydym ni'n hynod falch o ddechrau'r gwaith ar ein canolfan yng Ngogledd Cymru.

"Heb gymorth hynod hael Sefydliad Steve Morgan, ni fyddem wedi gallu dod â Maggie's i Ogledd Cymru ac rydw i mor ddiolchgar am hynny.

"Rydw i'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at weithio'n agos gyda Sefydliad Steve Morgan a Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr, er mwyn sicrhau bod pobl Gogledd Cymru yn cael y cymorth sydd eisoes wedi bod yn gwneud cymaint o wahaniaeth i fywydau pobl yn rhannau eraill o Gymru am 13 mlynedd."

Mae Sefydliad Steve Morgan wedi darparu £4m i gynllunio, comisiynu ac adeiladu'r ganolfan yng Ngogledd Cymru. Hon yw'r ail ganolfan Maggie's i gael ei chynllunio, ei chomisiynu a'i hadeiladu gan Sefydliad Steve Morgan.

Dywedodd Liam Eaglestone, Prif Weithredwr Sefydliad Steve Morgan: “Mae'n bleser gennym helpu Maggie's i ddod â chymorth canser hollbwysig i bobl Gogledd Cymru, gan sicrhau y byddant yn derbyn cymorth arbenigol gwresog, croesawgar a hynny'n rhad ac am ddim gan ganolfan Maggie's ar garreg eu drws."

Mae Ysbyty Glan Clwyd o fewn Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr (BIPBC) ac mae'n gartref i Canolfan Trin Canser Gogledd Cymru.

Dywedodd Carol Shillabeer, Prif Weithredwr y Bwrdd Iechyd: "Rydw i'n hynod falch bod gwaith yn dechrau ar Ganolfan Maggie's yng Ngogledd Cymru.

"Gan weithio'n agos gyda Chanolfan Trin Canser Gogledd Cymru, sydd hefyd wedi'i lleoli yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, bydd y cyfleuster newydd hwn yn ehangu ac yn gwella'r cymorth yr ydym yn ei gynnig i bobl sydd â chanser a'u teuluoedd.

"Rydw i hefyd am ddiolch yn benodol i Sefydliad Steve Morgan am eu cyllid hael a fydd yn arwain, rydw i'n siŵr, at gyfleuster hynod werth chweil."

English translation

Work on Maggie’s North Wales centre to start

Maggie’s, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and the Steve Morgan Foundation are delighted to announce work is starting on the construction of cancer support centre Maggie’s in North Wales.

Located in the grounds of Glan Clwyd Hospital in Bodelwyddan, Denbighshire, the centre’s expert staff will support people living with cancer, as well as family and friends, from across the whole region - including Bangor and Wrexham.

It has been designed, commissioned and funded by the Steve Morgan Foundation and is planned to open in 2025.

The North Wales NHS Cancer Centre at Ysbyty Glan Clywd sees approximately 5,000 people newly diagnosed with cancer every year.

Bringing Maggie's to North Wales

Dame Laura Lee, Chief Executive at Maggie’s, said: “We are delighted to be starting work on our centre in North Wales.

“Without the Steve Morgan Foundation’s incredibly generous support we wouldn’t have been able to bring Maggie’s to North Wales and for that I am so grateful.

“I am greatly looking forward to working closely with the Steve Morgan Foundation and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, to ensure the people of North Wales have the support which has already been making such a difference to people’s lives in other parts of Wales for 13 years.”

The Steve Morgan Foundation has provided £4m to design, commission and build the centre in North Wales. 

This is the second Maggie’s centre to be designed, commissioned and built by the Steve Morgan Foundation.

Maggie's on their doorstep

Liam Eaglestone, Chief Executive of the Steve Morgan Foundation, said: “We are delighted to be helping Maggie’s bring its vital cancer support to the people of North Wales, ensuring they will have the warm, welcoming and free expert support of a Maggie’s centre right on their doorstep.”

Glan Clwyd Hospital is within the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) and is home to the North Wales Cancer Treatment Centre.

Extend and enhance the support

Carol Shillabeer, the Health Board's Chief Executive, said: “I am delighted work is starting on the Maggie’s centre in North Wales.

“Working closely with the North Wales Cancer Treatment Centre, also based at Glan Clwyd Hospital, this new facility will extend and enhance the support we offer to people with cancer and their families.

“I also want to give particular thanks to the Steve Morgan Foundation for its generous funding of what I am sure will be a highly valued facility.”

How we can help

While we can't see you in person in North Wales just yet we can still support you wherever you are – over the phone and online.

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