Torri tir ar safle canolfan cymorth canser newydd yng Ngogledd Cymru

Tuesday 01 October 2024

Image of Sian Hughes Jones, Head of Nursing Cancer Services, Carol Shillabeer, BCUHB CEO, Steve Morgan, Chairman of the Steve Morgan Foundation, Samantha Price, Maggie’s centre visitor and Maggie's CEO Dame Laura Lee all standing on a building site.

L-R: Sian Hughes Jones, Head of Nursing Cancer Services, Carol Shillabeer, BCUHB CEO, Steve Morgan, Chairman of the Steve Morgan Foundation Samantha Price, Maggie’s centre visitor, Dame Laura Lee, Chief Executive of Maggie’s. Photo by Tommy Wong

Mae canolfan cymorth canser Maggie's yn Sir Ddinbych yn dechrau ar ei thaith diolch i £4 miliwn gan Sefydliad Steve Morgan.

Torri tir ar safle canolfan cymorth canser newydd yng Ngogledd Cymru. Bydd canolfan Maggie’s yn cael ei chomisiynu, ei dylunio a’i hariannu’n llwyr gan Sefydliad Steve Morgan ac mae’n cael ei hadeiladu ar dir Ysbyty Glan Clwyd ym Modelwyddan, Sir Ddinbych.

Bydd y ganolfan yn cynnig cymorth ymarferol, seicolegol ac emosiynol am ddim i bobl â chanser, yn ogystal â'u teuluoedd a'u ffrindiau, o bob rhan o'r rhanbarth - gan gynnwys Bangor a Wrecsam. Mae 4800 o bobl yn cael diagnosis newydd o ganser bob blwyddyn yng Ngogledd Cymru. Disgwylir y bydd y ganolfan ar agor erbyn diwedd 2025.

Cafodd Samantha Price, 31, ddiagnosis o ganser y fron yn 2023. Mae hi’n dod o Sir y Fflint, Gogledd Cymru, ond yn cael ei chefnogi gan Maggie’s, Cilgwri. Dywedodd:

“Clywais am Maggie’s gyntaf pan soniodd fy nyrs gofal y fron ar ôl fy mastectomi, oherwydd roeddwn i’n cael cryn drafferth dygymod â phopeth oedd yn digwydd i mi. Es i draw i Maggie’s, Cilgwri, gan mai dyna oedd y ganolfan agosaf ataf. Eisteddais gydag un o’r arbenigwyr cymorth canser ac roeddwn i’n teimlo’n gyfforddus yn syth a chefais fwrw fy mol. Teimlais ryddhad o gael trafod fy nheimladau a'm hemosiynau.

“Rwyf wedi bod yn mynd yn ôl ers hynny ac rwyf wedi cwrdd â phobl wych yno. Yn Maggie’s gallwch fod yn chi’ch hun heb neb yn eich barnu. Mae'n gwneud i rywun deimlo’n llai unig.

“Mae cael Maggie’s yng Ngogledd Cymru yn mynd i fod mor fuddiol i gymaint o bobl, yn enwedig i bobl nad oes ganddyn nhw’r modd i deithio i ganolfan Maggie’s arall.”

Dywedodd y Fonesig Laura Lee, Prif Weithredwr Maggie’s: “Rydym wrth ein bodd ein bod wedi torri tir ar safle ein canolfan yng Ngogledd Cymru.

“Heb gefnogaeth hynod hael Sefydliad Steve Morgan i gomisiynu, dylunio, adeiladu ac ariannu'r prosiect, ni fyddem wedi gallu dod â Maggie’s i Ogledd Cymru. Rwy'n ddiolchgar dros ben.

“Mae Sefydliad Steve Morgan wedi ymrwymo i adeiladu tair canolfan Maggie’s newydd – gan gynnwys yr un yng Ngogledd Cymru – sy’n weithred ryfeddol o ddyngarwch.

“Rwy’n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at barhau i weithio’n agos gyda Sefydliad Steve Morgan, a Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr i sicrhau bod pobl Gogledd Cymru yn cael y gefnogaeth sydd eisoes wedi bod yn gwneud cymaint o wahaniaeth i fywydau pobl o rannau eraill o Gymru am 13 mlynedd.”

Mae Sefydliad Steve Morgan wedi darparu £4 miliwn i adeiladu’r ganolfan yng Ngogledd Cymru ac eisoes wedi comisiynu, dylunio, adeiladu ac ariannu'r ganolfan Maggie’s yng

Nghilgwri a agorodd yn swyddogol ar dir Canolfan Ganser Clatterbridge, Cilgwri ym mis Medi 2021. Yn 2023 darparodd y ganolfan fwy na 17,500 o sesiynau cymorth i grwpiau neu unigolion sy'n byw gyda chanser.

Mae trydedd ganolfan Maggie’s yn Lerpwl (sydd i’w hadeiladu ar dir Ysbyty Brenhinol Newydd Lerpwl wrth ymyl Canolfan Ganser newydd Clatterbridge, Lerpwl) hefyd yn y camau datblygu, diolch i Sefydliad Steve Morgan.

Dywedodd Steve Morgan, Cadeirydd Sefydliad Steve Morgan:

“Rydym yn falch iawn o fod yn helpu Maggie’s i ddod â’i chefnogaeth canser hanfodol i bobl Gogledd Cymru, gan sicrhau y bydd ganddynt gefnogaeth arbenigol gynnes, groesawgar a rhad ac am ddim canolfan Maggie’s ar garreg eu drws.

“Mae ein cydweithrediad â Maggie’s yn un o’r enghreifftiau cryfaf o’n hathroniaeth ‘dyngarwch aflonyddgar’. Mae’n amlygu gallu’r Sefydliad i ‘roi’ yn dda, drwy ddefnyddio ein harbenigedd, cymorth ymarferol a phrofiad masnachol i wneud y mwyaf o effaith ein cymorth ariannol.”

Mae Ysbyty Glan Clwyd yn cael ei reoli gan Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr ac mae'n gartref i Ganolfan Trin Canser Gogledd Cymru.

Dywedodd Carol Shillabeer, Prif Swyddog Gweithredol Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr: 

“Rwyf wrth fy modd bod Maggie’s, gyda chymorth hael Sefydliad Steve Morgan, wedi dewis Gogledd Cymru fel lleoliad nesaf ei rwydwaith o ganolfannau cymorth. Rydym i gyd yn ymwybodol o’r gwaith y mae’r elusen yn ei wneud i gefnogi’r rhai â chanser, y rhai sydd wedi cael canser, eu teuluoedd a’u ffrindiau.

“Dyma adnodd a fydd yn cael ei ddefnyddio'n aml ac yn cael ei werthfawrogi. Bydd yn ychwanegiad i'w groesawu at y gwaith elusennol arall sy’n digwydd, yn ogystal â gwaith Canolfan Ganser Gogledd Cymru yma yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd. Bydd yn darparu haen arall o gymorth i bobl ar draws ein rhanbarth cyfan.

“Mae torri'r tir heddiw yn garreg filltir arwyddocaol. Edrychaf ymlaen at weld canlyniad yr holl waith caled i ddod, pan fydd y drysau’n agor y flwyddyn nesaf.”

Maggie’s, Gogledd Cymru, y disgwylir iddi agor ei drysau yn 2025, fydd y drydedd ganolfan Maggie’s yng Nghymru, gyda Maggie’s, Abertawe yn agor yn 2011 a'r ganolfan yng Nghaerdydd yn agor yn 2019. Cefnogodd y ddwy ganolfan hyn bobl â chanser, yn ogystal â'u teulu a'u ffrindiau, fwy na 19,000 o weithiau yn 2023.

Rydym yn obeithiol y bydd cefnogaeth hael Sefydliad Steve Morgan yn denu rhoddwyr eraill a chefnogaeth y gymuned leol i’n helpu i godi’r £1miliwn sydd ei angen arnom i agor y ganolfan newydd.

Gyda 28 mlynedd o brofiad, mae Maggie’s yn darparu gofal a chymorth canser mewn canolfannau cynnes a chroesawgar ledled y DU. Mae Maggie’s yn darparu gofal canser arbenigol a chefnogaeth i bawb sydd â chanser, a’u ffrindiau a’u teuluoedd.

Gallwch ddod i ymweld â Maggie's heb drefnu ymlaen llaw. Mae cymorth Maggie's yn rhad ac am ddim, a does dim angen apwyntiad na chael eich cyfeirio.

Yn y cyfamser, gall pobl yng Ngogledd Cymru elwa o hyd ar gefnogaeth Maggie:

  • Yn y Maggie's agosaf – yng Nghilgwri, wrth ymyl Canolfan Ganser Clatterbridge.
  • O'r cartref – dros y ffôn neu e-bost. Gallwch wneud cais i aelod o staff eich ffonio yma.
  • Gall pobl ymuno â chyrsiau a gweithdai ar-lein a gynhelir gan ein canolfannau eraill ledled y DU. Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i

English translation

Building has begun for our new Maggie's in North Wales

We have broken ground for our new cancer support centre in Denbighshire which has been started thanks to £4 million from the Steve Morgan Foundation.

A new Maggie’s in North Wales has broken ground on Tuesday 1 October 2024.

The Maggie’s will be completely commissioned, designed and funded by the Steve Morgan Foundation and is being built in the grounds of Glan Clwyd Hospital in Bodelwyddan, Denbighshire.

The centre will provide free practical, psychological and emotional support for people with cancer, as well as their family and friends, from across the whole region – including Bangor and Wrexham. North Wales sees 4800 people newly diagnosed with cancer every year. It is expected the centre will be open by the end of 2025.

Samantha Price, 31, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2023. She is from Flintshire, North Wales but is supported by Maggie’s, Wirral. She said:

“I first heard about Maggie’s when my breast care nurse mentioned it to me after my mastectomy, because I was struggling a lot with everything that was happening to me. I went along to Maggie’s, Wirral as that was the closest centre to me, I sat with one of the cancer support specialists and I instantly felt comfortable and just poured my heart out. I felt a sense of relief getting my feelings and emotions out. 

“I have been going back ever since and met some great people there. At Maggie’s you are able to be yourself with no judgment and feel less alone. 

“Having Maggie’s in North Wales is going to be so beneficial to so many people, especially for people who don’t have the means to travel to another Maggie’s centre.”

Dame Laura Lee, Chief Executive at Maggie’s said: 

“We are delighted to have broken ground for our centre in North Wales.

“Without the Steve Morgan Foundation’s incredibly generous support in commissioning, designing, building and funding we wouldn’t have been able to bring Maggie’s to North Wales and for that I am so grateful.

“The Steve Morgan Foundation has committed to building three new Maggie’s centres – including the one in North Wales – which is a truly phenomenal act of philanthropy.

“I am greatly looking forward to continuing to work closely with the Steve Morgan Foundation, and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board to ensure the people of North Wales have the support which has already been making such a difference to people’s lives in other parts of Wales for 13 years.”

The Steve Morgan Foundation has provided £4million to build the centre in North Wales and has already commissioned, designed, built and funded Maggie’s in the Wirral which officially opened in the grounds of Clatterbridge Cancer Centre – Wirral in September 2021. In 2023 the centre provided more than 17,500 support sessions to groups or individuals living with cancer.

A third Maggie’s centre in Liverpool - to be built within the grounds of the New Royal Liverpool Hospital next to the new Clatterbridge Cancer Centre – Liverpool – is also in the development stages thanks to the Steve Morgan Foundation.

Steve Morgan, Chairman of the Steve Morgan Foundation, said: 

“We are delighted to be helping Maggie’s bring its vital cancer support to the people of North Wales, ensuring they will have the warm, welcoming and free expert support of a Maggie’s centre right on their doorstep.

“Our collaboration with Maggie’s is one of the strongest examples of our philosophy of ‘disruptive philanthropy’. It highlights the Foundation’s ability to ‘give’ well, by harnessing our expertise, practical support and commercial experience to maximise the impact of our financial support.”

Glan Clwyd Hospital is managed by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and is home of the North Wales Cancer Treatment Centre.

Carol Shillabeer, CEO of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, said: 

“I am delighted Maggie’s, with the generous help of the Steve Morgan Foundation, has chosen North Wales as the next destination for its network of support centres. We are all aware of the work the charity does to support those with cancer, those who have had cancer, their families and friends.

“I am sure this will be a well-used and valued addition which will complement other charity work which takes place, as well as the North Wales Cancer Centre here at Glan Clwyd Hospital. It will provide another layer of support for people across the whole of our region.

“Today’s groundbreaking is a significant milestone. I look forward to seeing the final result of all the hard work to come, when the doors open next year.”

Maggie’s, North Wales, expected to open in 2025, will be the third Maggie’s in Wales, with Maggie’s, Swansea opening in 2011 and Maggie’s, Cardiff opening in 2019. These two centres supported people with cancer, as well as family and friends, more than 19,000 times in 2023.

We are hopeful that the Steve Morgan Foundation's generous support will attract other donors and the support of the local community to help us raise the £1 million we need to open the new centre.

Maggie’s provides cancer care and support in bright and welcoming centres across the UK, with 28 years of experience. At Maggie’s you’ll find expert cancer care and support for everyone with cancer, and their friends and families. 

You can just come into Maggie’s. Maggie’s support is always free and you don’t need an appointment or a referral.

In the meantime, people in North Wales can still benefit from Maggie’s support: 

  • At the closest Maggie’s – in the Wirral, next to Clatterbridge Cancer Centre
  • At home – over the phone or email. You can request a callback here
  • Online: you can also join online courses and workshops run by our other centres across the UK. Our centre in the Wirral will talk you through what's right for you.

Last review: Oct 2024 | Next review: Oct 2027

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