Monday 06 January 2020
Susan Long – Maggie's
If you’re worried about your cancer care, then it's important to raise your concerns even though it may feel difficult.
The information on this page will help you to find out more about who to talk to when you're concerned.
All cancer services are required to meet certain standards of care.
However, there may be times when you feel your care, or the care of someone close to you, isn't good enough.
There are a number of ways to raise concerns so you can improve the situation quickly and make sure it doesn't happen again.
Even though you feel something isn't right, you may be reluctant to take things further and raise your concern.
You might not want to make a fuss and worry your future care will be affected if you do, think nothing will change or you may just be feeling overwhelmed and unable to take on anything else.
Even though it can be a difficult step, speaking up can help you feel more in control, draw a line under what's happened or improve relationships with your healthcare team.
The people who care for you will welcome your feedback because it will help them make improvements and help others in the future.
If you feel able to, the best way to raise concerns is with the team involved.
They may not be aware of the issue and how it's affecting you so a conversation can often help resolve any misunderstandings or problems quickly.
If your concerns feel unresolved, you don't know who to approach, or feel you can’t talk to a team directly, there are different support agencies that can help.
They offer informal information and advice and can have discussions on your behalf to try and resolve an issue. If you need to take things further, they can also help you make a formal complaint.
Each organisation has local offices. You can find out how to get in touch on their websites:
Our Cancer Support Specialists, Benefits Advisors and Psychologists are here listen to your concerns and can help you find the support you need.
Last review: Oct 2021 | Next review: Oct 2022
This page tells you where to start when you want to sort out a problem with a NHS hospital.
From Citizens Advice
Last reviewed: 01 October 2021
The Community Health Councils (CHCs) work to enhance and improve the quality of your local health service. They are your statutory and independent voice in health services provided throughout Wales.
From Community Health Council (Wales)
Last reviewed: 28 September 2021
A guide to the NHS complaints arrangements, as well as the core requirements for NHS complaints handling laid out in legislation.
From NHS
Last reviewed: 01 October 2021
Free, confidential, & independent advice & support for patients of the NHS in Scotland.
From Patient advice and support service ( PASS)
Last reviewed: 01 October 2021
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) offers confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters. They provide a point of contact for patients, their families and their carers.
From Patients Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Last reviewed: 01 October 2021
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