Wednesday 23 May 2018
Susan Long – Maggie's
Cancers and their treatments can sometimes cause swelling in the tissues under the skin. It can affect an arm, leg or other part of the body. This is called lymphoedema. It may develop months or years after cancer treatment.
The information on this page will help you to find out more about cancer-related lymphoedema, its prevention and management.
If you have cancer which needs treatment involving the lymph nodes, then swelling of the tissue under your skin can sometimes develop. Known as ‘lymphoedema’, it most commonly affects an arm or leg. Other areas of the body can also develop lymphoedema.
Lymphoedema is a side effect which can occur weeks, months or sometimes years after treatment. It is useful to know what to look out for. If the symptoms are treated early, it can help prevent further problems.
Lymphoedema is long term swelling of the body’s tissues, so shouldn’t be confused with temporary swelling that can happen in the first few days post surgery.
People with certain types of cancer are more at risk of developing lymphoedema. These include breast, gynaecological, pelvic, head and neck surgery and radiotherapy - particularly if lymph nodes have been removed or damaged.
Sometimes the cancer itself can block lymphatic drainage.
Symptoms of lymphoedema include swelling, heaviness and aching of the affected area. For example, someone who has has lymph glands removed from their axilla (armpit), may experience swelling of the fingers, hand and/or arm.
Lymphoedema can also have an emotional impact - as it can feel a visual reminder of your cancer, and what you’ve been through.
First of all, there are a number of things you can do to help reduce your risk of developing lymphoedema. These include:
For some people, lymphoedema still develops. If you notice swelling, heaviness or aching in a limb or in an area where you have had cancer treatment, contact your GP or healthcare team, as early diagnosis can help it developing further. You are likely to be referred to a specialist lymphoedema clinic for treatment.
For early lymphoedema, the aim of treatment is to reduce the swelling, help prevent infection, and encourage healthy eating and exercise. You’ll be given a series of exercises to help with movement and to ease symptoms.
The specialist nurse will teach you gentle massage/manual drainage to help reduce the swelling.
You may be fitted with a ‘compression’ garment, such as a sleeve, glove or stocking, depending which area is affected. This helps reduce the swelling and encourage drainage.
For more severe lymphoedema you may have a more intensive treatment programme, involving use of lymphatic drainage, compression bandaging, physiotherapy, and skin care.
Coping with the feelings around lymphoedema can be hard. It’s a daily reminder of your cancer and its treatment. You may feel self conscious wearing the compression garments, or that your limb is swollen.
Talking about your feelings can help you feel less alone - knowing that others are going through the same experience. Joining a support group, and/or visiting your local Maggie’s centre can help you address the feelings you may be experiencing.
You can also learn about exercise, relaxation, stress management and healthy eating - so that you are able to help control the physical and emotional impact of lymphoedema.
If you develop signs of infection in that area, including heat, warmth, redness swelling, or have a raised temperature, let your GP, specialist nurse or hospital team know. You may need antibiotics.
Living with lymphoedema, can sometimes trigger feelings of depression and low self esteem. If this is happening, tell your doctor about how you feel - they understand the emotions you’re experiencing, and can refer you on for further support.
Have a look at our blogs and links on this page to find out more about lymphoedema and cancer.
Talk with others about what you are experiencing. It can help to hear that what you’re feeling is not unusual, and help you feel less alone.
Call into your local Maggie’s centre to talk to our professional teams and connect with others in a similar position to yourself.
Last review: Feb 2022 | Next review: Sep 2023
The Lymphoedema Support Network is a registered charity and the UK's national patient support organisation for lymphoedema.
From Lymphodema Support Network
Last reviewed: 10 February 2022
Find out more about the causes and management of lymphoedema.
From Cancer Research UK (CRUK)
Last reviewed: 10 February 2022
Find out more about manual lymph drainage (MLD) and how it can help lymphoedema.
Last reviewed: 10 February 2022
Information about and support for living with lymphoedema.
From Macmillan Cancer Support
Last reviewed: 10 February 2022
Information on the causes, treatment and possible complications of nerve damage.
From NHS Inform (Scotland)
Last reviewed: 17 February 2022
watch the video or read the transcript discussing lymphedema, or swelling, in the legs after cancer treatment, including what can cause lymphedema, and how to prevent and manage it.
From Cancer.Net
Last reviewed: 10 February 2022
Information about lymphoedema and how it is treated.
From NHS
Last reviewed: 10 February 2022
What is lymphedema, why do different treatments cause it and how can it be managed?
From American Cancer Society
Last reviewed: 10 February 2022
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