Donate by mobile

It’s really easy to make a donation to Maggie's from your mobile phone.

How to Text to Donate

Simply text MAGGIES to 70007, you will be charged £3 plus your standard network rate to help those affected by cancer.

How it works

  • You can donate £3 by text message with 100% of your donation going to Maggie’s
  • You will be charged for your text message – please refer to your network operator’s standard rates
  • Note that by using this service you agree to being contacted by Maggie’s about work, news and fundraising. If you wish to opt out of these SMS communications, please text NOSMS MAGGIES to 78866
  • For more information please see our SMS terms and conditions or call 0300 123 1801

How your money helps

The money you raise is used to make the biggest possible difference to the people living with cancer who walk through our doors each day.


means someone with cancer can spend an hour with a Benefits Advisor to help them get financial support


covers the cost of a ‘Getting Started’ session, helping someone with cancer learn to manage their diagnosis and treatment


means a family can get ongoing support from a Psychologist, helping them after losing someone with cancer

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