Materials to help you fundraise

However you choose to fundraise for Maggie's, we're here to make sure you have everything you need to make it great.

We've got some useful fundraising materials available to download or order to help you plan and promote your activity.

Downloads to support your fundraising

  • Sponsorship form – use this form to collect sponsorship (if you don't fundraise online)
  • Poster template – use this poster template to promote your activity
  • Press release template – let your local papers and radio stations know about your fundraising by using our press release template
  • Quiz pack – download our quiz pack with top tips for hosting your own quiz
  • Thank you poster template – once you have completed your fundraising, use this poster to let all of your friends and family know how much money they helped to raise for Maggie’s
  • Paying in form – send in your sponsorship and fundraising money using this form
  • 'Proudly supporting Maggie's' logo – download our logo to add to your promotional materials to let everyone know who you are fundraising for. We've also included guidelines so you know the best way to use it

Fundraising materials to order

If you would like any materials to support your fundraising activity, find your nearest centre and get in touch using their contact details.

Additional materials we can provide are:

  • Collection tins or boxes
  • Maggie’s balloons
  • Maggie’s banner roll
  • Maggie’s T-shirts, running vests or cycling jerseys.

Or, if you don't have a centre near you, email us at 

Stories from our fundraisers

View all stories

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