We work closely with the media to raise awareness of how we support people affected by cancer. We have expert spokespeople to talk about the latest cancer issues as well as key facts and figures about our support, our centres and living with cancer.
We are reactive and used to working closely with the media.
Please get in touch if you'd like to speak to someone about how we support people with cancer and their families, want to know more about our centres, would like to speak to someone with cancer or are looking for reaction to the latest cancer stories in the news.
With offices in Glasgow and London, we can respond quickly to your requests for interviews with our spokespeople, quotes, photography, video or more information about the work we do.
Email media@maggies.org or you can get in touch with a member of the media team directly:
Laura Hanton (London)
07592 104158
Tom Fennimore (London)
07395 355601
Samantha Booth (Glasgow)
07825 056394
Jacqueline Clelland (Glasgow)
07584 682687
Find information on the expert support we provide and the progress we've made to make the biggest possible difference for people with cancer, and all the people who love them.
Please contact the media team for specific requests.
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